To the layman, lucid dreaming is a phenomenon in which a person sleeps is aware that he or she is dreaming. A lucid dream can be, in some cases, controlled by the dreamer. While much of the science of sleep and the dream is not yet fully understood is lucid dreaming, in fact, been well studied and documented. This article will describe some of the techniques used to induce a lucid dream.
Dream Recall
One of the keys toAchieve lucid dreaming is the ability of many, or call the majority of your dreams normal. This practice of developing a deeper understanding of your personal dream landscape (the characters, settings, emotions, etc.) is crucial for the development of your ability to dream clearly explained.
There are many ways to help your dream to get one of the most important, but physically your dreams on waking, to take every morning. Make this your ritual and do it once to wake you. Record with so muchDetails as you can remember are, how you felt during the dream. Continue reading at night before going to sleep with your dream journal, this will stimulate your senses and help you to dream on issues and themes that seem to understand a rule in your dreams.
Follow Reality Check
To test the reality is something you can hold in a conscious state is difficult to do during a dream. For example, the figures change often during a dream, a reality typicalyou must watch the clock, I remember the exact date and then look back a moment later. During the dream, the time that you rarely see the same. Run, you should regularly every day waking hours, and each time saying to himself: "Am I dreaming or are awake." The idea is that the habit of doing this, with the hope that it will transfer into your dream state.
Induction Equipment
These devices, which will take you where you can go to bed verycontribute effectively to induce a state of lucid dreaming. They work with the monitor when you enter REM (dream phase) of sleep, then it is emitting a flash of light or sound. The goal is to let you know that is the dream into reality, you can easily enter a state clear.
Finally, lucid dreaming is a fascinating phenomenon that will allow us to exploit the creative potential of our dreams can to solve the problems of every day. The attempt to solve a difficult problem at work? Why not dreamtonight and use our brains, creativity to solve your boundless. You can if you have learned the techniques of lucid dreaming.
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