Flushing is a reflection of human. It 'difficult to control and monitor at the most inopportune. Our friends in the animal kingdom do not have this problem. Not ashamed, and if it were a little 'attention. But as discerning people blush, the source of teasing, and embarrassment. This is for no good reason. You can go by itself, a problem that you want and meet people for fear of blushing in public. YouSo you start at a certain point and hot that your face or even a red and pink rot.
Becomes very red, because so taboo that I do not know. Some people see it as a sign of weakness. I prefer to say it is a sign of openness. Others would say that is immature, but once again I would say that only people who do not believe someone laugh red. The degree of maturity? People who are red light only people who are redslightly. Sometimes, because easily shocked or surprised at other times just because of the nature of their skin color they have. You can also have a health problem that nothing is known about the causes of flushing or hot.
As someone who blushes easily'm here for my taste, my 3 reasons why I hate so much: --
1. My blush mean I know sweat
My body is a model of the series, with links to blushSweating. I hear him coming up and I know that if my face goes red and I are about sweating. I have just the physical sensation of red, I know that I take care of my sweat, which can double my problem to stop. Over the years I learned to plan and prepare. I can foresee many situations where I turn red and sweat. This schedule can only reduce their impact on me. I also feel that one goes to make me blush, and are almostSorry for the cause. Makes me much better.
2. I'm going to relocate
When I red in the company of strangers I know I would be ashamed. May be in a meeting where I disagree with the outcome. My red sends the wrong signal, I feel like the others at the meeting. I do a lot of public speaking and organization and have learned to speak and share my blushing and sweating in the run-up to my audiencecheaper. I do not want them to be distracted by my blushing and sweating, and losing what I say. It takes a little 'courage, but I recommend this for people who make presentations and performances.
3. There is almost nothing I can do about it
This is annoying, what about blushing. I know what will happen to her, and I can not stop it. I heat my body and mind can be increased almost feel the color fills in the face. Having said that Ihave rejected a number of methods of reduction through careful planning. I give me more time, when I am in a situation of high stress. Addressing the problem of a part of welding with simple natural methods has reduced the problem by half because now only the red part of the problem.
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