Malnutrition has the same problem as the degree of obesity. There are people who are too thin, they will find a difficult time gaining weight. Nutritionists and health experts agree that it is the food chain and activities, there is no effect on her weight gain. Food, in particular, makes a big difference. But apart from these genes and functional activities also adds the difference. But any activity we could, and the genes that we would be hard to depart from our parents. Wewe all know that is too thin and there is no point in aesthetics and nutrition. Many people wonder how you can get the perfect body, not too fat nor too thin. For this article, it is possible opportunities that will help you improve your weight, seeing your diet. These are the quantities of food you can eat to gain weight.
Weight gain can be predicted with an analysis of your eating habits. We can Dr. Jürgen Habermas, German philosopher, remembered, says: "What we eat what is." Inthe philosophical and psychological means of course different, but nutritionally speaking this is true. We become what we eat. Food affects our life and our diet dynamically. If you eat until you are completely up to the neck, it is not impossible that you will get fat in a few months. However, if the food you eat, you are probably not a result is not satisfactory. But what are the foods that we eat for weight gain?
The Healthy Weight Gain
This isconsists of lean protein, vegetables, fruits, less fat and few carbohydrates. Protein helps you build muscle and not fat, and fruits and vegetables, add water to make carbohydrates the body and the energy level necessary for everyday activities, the effect of 30%, following this diet on weight during the period of 1 month, and also has a healthy heart and less fat. One can safely increase weight without jeopardizing your health.
Control of lifestyle
Most people want to add somethingSpice in their lives. This does not mean that you eat Mexican or Thai food, but what this means: cocktails. Yes, especially alcohol and wine drinkers and party goers are more likely to gain weight. This is not because they get what they want, but the shares of food and places most convenient for the development of a high consumption of calories. Check the food at the buffet. However, moderate eater, have the best chance of gaining weight. This is because the calories are solvedand effective if it is not used adds up to your bank belly.
Fats and sweets are always responsible
Because of sweets and fats, weight gain should never be a problem. But take note of excessive consumption of food group would represent a risk to health. This should not be abused, it can be in different diseases such as diabetes, heart failure and even kidney failure. We must watch our health, not just weight gain. Should be in a healthy way, so as to decreasePossibility of future problems.
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